ShemeshPhone 2022-2023
For over 25 years, ShemeshPhone has been the most trusted resource for local residents.
As the only telephone directory covering all of Beit Shemesh, Shemeshphone is used daily in 25,000 homes.
This year your advertisement will get even MORE exposure through your listing on our digital platforms:, the ShemeshBot and the new Shemesh App!
Time is running out! Orders close December 8th!
The raffles have ended, but there's still a little more time to order your ad in the upcoming Shemeshphone!
Congratulations to our six winners!
Week 1 - Get a banner ad in the new ShemeshApp for 2 months.
₪ 900 value
Congratulations to our first week's winner, Hamiktzoanim LaBayit!
Week 2 - Get a free deal published on the Shemesh digital platform including our WhatsApp groups
₪ 1000 value
Congratulations to our second week's winner, Hadbara B'Rosh Shaket!
Week 3 – 10 emails to the ShemeshList on any day of the week
₪450 value
Congratulations to our third week's winner, Ian Banks, Advocate and Notary!
Week 4 - ₪1000 shekels credit for ANY Shemesh Platform product
Congratulations to our fourth week's winner, Pizza Fix!
Week 5 - Get a banner ad on for a month
₪600 value
Congratulations to our fifth week's winner, Optica Focus!
Week 6 – Pop-up ad on for a week
₪750 value
Congratulations to our sixth week's winner, Shoshana Weis Realty!
Book your graphic ad below before it's too late!
Prices do not include VAT  Payment information must be provided with order
Full Page: 4,450₪
Half Page: 2,950₪
Quarter Page: 1,950₪
Eighth Page: 1,390₪
Enhanced Listing: 695₪
Line Listing: 500₪
Enhanced Listing: ₪695
Line Listing: ₪500
 Most Seen 
Want to be seen all the time? Ask us about ShemeshPhone cover ads!
Save 5% if you use the same ad as last year or bring a print ready ad
Prices do not include VAT 
Contact us today to reserve your space in the ShemeshPhone!
I am interested in purchasing the following ad types:
Want even more exposure? Learn about our digital products including, ShemeshWhatsApp and ShemeshBot